Willow Class (Y5 2021-2022)
Welcome back to the Summer Term
Lots of new and interesting things to learn this term.
English - We will be reading a new book 'The Paper Bag Prince,’ which will hopefully inspire you to change the world.
Science - Learning all about Plant reproduction, how we grown and the changes that occur to the human body.
Humanities - Ancient Greece and comparing it to how Greece is today. Maybe some of you have visited Greece on holiday? It would be great for you to share your experiences if you have. We will be look at Ancient Greek architecture, food, how the Greek language has impacted on the vocabulary we use today, plus reading some gory myths.
Maths - Building on your previous knowledge of multiplication and division by applying these skills to calculate volume, 3D shapes, angles, plus reasoning and problem solving.
P.E. will be every Thursday and children must come to school wearing their kits in on this day.
Swimming will take place every Friday. Remember to bring in your swimming kit.
There will be sent home with a range of activities to complete, which links to work taught in class. The children will also complete their own independent research and some work set on Google Classroom.
Welcome back to the Spring Term.
Lots of new and interesting things to learn this term.
English - We will be reading a new book 'The Darkest Dark’
Science - Learning all about Space, planets and a variety of famous scientists that have influenced what we now know.
Humanities - North America, looking at landmarks, how to use an ordnance survey map (just in case the SATNAV doesn’t work), learning the importance of rivers and the impact they have. Plus, painting North American landscapes using a variety of artists to guide our different artistic styles.
Maths - Building on your previous knowledge of multiplication and division by applying these skills to calculate fractions, decimals and percentages (my favourite),plus reasoning and problem solving.
Learning in Willow class
Hello and welcome to Willow Class!
There are lots of exciting new topics this year:
English - We will be reading a new book 'Queen of the Falls.'
Science - Changing states: identifying solids, liquids and gases; evaporation and condensation in the water cycle, reversible and irreversible changes.
Humanities - Vicious Vikings. When did the Vikings come to Britain? Why? Which countries did they travel from?
Maths - Building on your previous knowledge of multiplication and division. Looking at inverse calculations, prime numbers, factors, reasoning and problem solving.
Plus, many other interesting lessons and activities to keep your brains active.
As always, we ask that you encourage your child to read as much as possible at home. I will allocate books on 'Epic Books' every week to which the children can access online.
Bug Club and Oxford Owl are also available to use.
P.E. will be every Monday and children must come to school wearing their kits in on this day.
I will send spellings home every week to practise for a spelling test given the following week, sometimes this may be via Google classroom.
There will be a Homework book sent home with a range of activities to complete, which links to work taught in class. The children will also complete their own independent research and work set on Google Classroom.
Miss McKuhen & Miss Ching
These websites are regularly accessed during the school day and your child should be familiar with the content.
Epic Books https://www.getepic.com
Mathletics https://student.mathletics.com
Oak Academy https://www.thenational.academy
White Rose Maths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning
Times Table Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com
Oxford Owl https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk
BBCBitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/ztqbn9q
Purple Mashhttps://www.purplemash.com
Spelling Frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/
Autumn Plan
Remote Education
If anyone is isolating, I have uploaded work onto Google Classroom to support their learning at home.
Please remind the children to use all the previous sites we used last year to: Mathletics, epic books, spelling frame, Oak Academy etc.