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Dovecot Primary School

Learning together, growing together

What we are learning at the moment

What we are learning at the moment




Our English lessons are driven high quality reading texts and are designed above all to inspire a life-long love of reading and writing. Where appropriate, pupils continue to receive targeted phonics support to help with word recognition and decoding skills following the Read Write Inc. scheme.


In the first half of the Summer term we are going to be looking at two of my absolute favourite books. One is a novel by Neil Gaiman called Fortunately, the Milk... about a dad who steps outside to go to the cornershop and ends up having a series of surprising adventures. The other is a beautiful wordless picture book called Journey that lets the reader create their own story to go with the images. The students will build on their fantastic creative writing from last term, really seeing what they can do with their imaginations and wonderfully creative vocabularies. We will be thinking in detail about how to build really exciting sentences using a variety of grammatical strategies we have been learning over the year.


In the second half of the Summer we will be looking at Stone Age Boy, thinking back to the History topic we covered earlier in the year. The focus her will be on non-fiction writing and especially how to organise and present information clearly in a non-chronological report. We will also be reading a classic story lots of you may already know, Stig of the Dump.




In Mathematics so far this year the children have been developing their understanding of three-digit numbers, learning new written and mental strategies for mathematical operations, and finding out all about fractions. In the summer we will be thinking about how we use these skills practically while looking at measure, time, money and shape.




We have some fantastic scientific brains in Ash Class! Our last Science topic of the year is all about how bodies work. We'll be looking at animal anatomy, thinking about how we can categorise animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. We'll also be answering loads of questions about how our own bodies work. How many bones do we have? What do we call them? How do muscles work? And, perhaps most importantly, how can we stay healthy by thinking about what we eat?


Foundation subjects


Our Geography topic for this term is volcanoes and earthquakes. We are learning all about plate tectonics and the layers of the Earth underneath our feet!


In Art we will be starting a new topic all about multimedia art and sculpture.  We will be taking our inspiration from the water cycle and rivers, linking in wit our Geography work.


In DT we will be looking this term at cooking, covering some essential techniques for making tasty savoury dishes.


In Spanish we have been learning some key Spanish phonemes so that we can pronounce words in the right way. This term we will be looking at some familiar stories in Spanish so that we can practise reading along.