Massage in Schools Programme
We are fortunate to have the opportunity to introduce the Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) in our school which will work hand in hand with our mindfulness as part of our pupil wellbeing plan. The MISP programme is well established and is used in schools throughout the country. Miss S Weston is qualified as a (MISP) Instructor and will be implementing this programme across our school.
What is Massage in Schools?
It is an inclusive programme of positive touch and clothed peer massage for children of 4-12 years that has been used in schools for over 16 years. Children wear their normal school clothes and give gentle massage to each other on the back, head and arms. All massage moves are taught and assigned a special symbol and done to calming music. A trained instructor (Miss S Weston) will train the children and their teacher . It is a respect and choice programme which gives the children the option to choose if they would like to take part on any given day; their decision will always be respected. Permission from the child is sought before every session. If children choose not to participate they still benefit from being in the calm environment which is created during the session, and can read a book if they prefer. Very often, children will want to participate and view the time as very beneficial to them.
How will it benefit the children?
Studies have shown that, when children give massage to each other, they become calmer, concentrate better and have more confidence. This will be of tremendous benefit to the children and their teachers. It will support our Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum (and work in Healthy Schools (Emotional wellbeing) and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL). It will address such issues as awareness of self and others and personal safety.
When and where does it take place?
Following the introductory period of training, the class teacher will decide how and when the programme will be used with their particular class. The ten to fifteen minute session may be at the start of the day or after lunch to help settle the children for the afternoon session. It may take place daily or a few times a week but will be built into the class timetable and according to the needs of the children.
What can parents do?
You can find out more about the Massage in Schools Programme by viewing and . If you have any further questions, please contact Miss S Weston who will be delighted to help you. There is a wealth of information on the MISA website ( ) including videos of it in action.
If your child does not want to give or receive massage they do not have to. It is important for you as parents and carers to know that they have a choice. If your child has any medical conditions which may be affected by this massage, please discuss with your GP before making the decision whether your child should take part in the MISP programme and advise the school accordingly.