Remote Learning
We have worked hard to develop a remote learning approach that ensures that the children's education continues throughout any periods when they are not accessing education on-site. Our approach to remote learning follows our Dovecot curriculum and the children will be accessing work that is as close to what would be covered in class as is possible. We have looked to ensure that the work provided is tailored to the children's needs.
If an individual child or family unit are isolating, then remote learning will be provided either through our online system or as paper copies, depending on the needs of the children/family. SEND support (as outlined below) will continue to be provided.
In the event of a class having to isolate, we will continue with our successful use of online support, with paper copies available where required. Our class pages on this website will outline the work on a class-by-class basis, being updated at regular intervals. All children have been given details in order to log-in to our online resources and we are confident with the systems we have in place. If you require any log-in details, please contact the school through the office of via Class Dojo.
If you have any trouble accessing our online resources, such as Google Classroom, Purple Mash etc, please contact the school and we will help quickly. If you are unable to access our remote learning online, please contact the school and we will send out a pack of work that can be completed and returned to school. These packs will contain the work that is being completed online so that all children have access to the same learning.
All children have been provided with log-in details for Epic Books so that the children can access books online while they are away from school. If you have any issues accessing these, please contact the school who will help immediately. Additionally, the children will have the school reading book(s) at home to read.
If you have any questions, please contact the school and we are happy to help and support.
To ensure that all children are able to access our remote education, we will continue to provide differentiated work online and in paper copies, including through the instructions given and the tasks set. Additionally, live online support will be timetables where possible.