Elm Class (Reception)
Welcome to Elm Class - Reception
Reception 2022 pupils will begin their day at 8.55am. Door are open until 9.10am after this time children must be taken to the office to sign in.
Click here to watch our latest video of our Nursery and Reception children.
Welcome to Elm Class!
Hello, and welcome to Elm Class!
I’m Mrs Dornan, the class teacher and Early Years Lead. I work in Reception with Miss Russell (Reception TA) as well as the Nursery staff. Mrs Warrilow teaches the children on Thursday.
I have attached our Reception parent pack and curriculum booklet in the 'Parent Info' tab above, which contains all the information you may need this year, but I will also update our Reception 20/21 Class Dojo regularly and you can also message me on this as needed.
The Headlines:
Both Reception and Nursery work closely together as a unit where we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We are able to access both indoor and outdoor environments and enjoy playing and learning together. We have key workers for each child - this role is fully explained in the parent pack.
Throughout the year we look at broad themes and topics, including ourselves, the seasons, traditional tales and celebrations, to name but a few. In these topics we will aim to follow the children’s interests and ideas. This may lead us into other mini-topics, taking the classes in different directions; so be sure to ask your child, check our learning journey wall and pop back to our page to see our most current learning. Don't forget, we also have our Class Dojo page and observations to keep you involved in your child's learning.
For the teaching of phonics we use the Read Write Inc (RWI) programme. The information for this can be found under the parent information tab at the top of the page.
PE for Reception takes place on Wednesdays.
- Please ensure you tell us if your child has any medical needs, food allergies or asthma. If your child has asthma please complete a school asthma card (available from school) and provide school with an inhaler in its original box labelled with your child's name. This inhaler will remain in school.
- In Early Years outdoor learning is incredibly important for our children and we do go outside in sun, rain and snow. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and a waterproof coat in Early Years; as well as gloves, a scarf and hat as the weather gets colder, sun cream and a sunhat in the warmer months, and wellies if possible.
- We also do a lot of messy play and active, physical, learning. Although we do our best to stay clean, we recommend that your child wears school uniform and items like coats that you don’t mind getting a little dirty. This will enable the children to fully participate in their learning. Please also clearly label all belongings to help avoid confusion. We cannot be held responsible for lost or missing items, but having names on them will greatly help us in finding them.
- Our parents' notice board (next to EYFS door) will be kept up to date with all relevant information. However if you need to speak to us regarding anything at all please feel free – we are partners in your child’s learning and communication is key to them getting the most out of their time with us.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to a fantastic year!