Safeguarding information and advice
Our Safeguarding Team
Miss D Weston - Pastoral Support Officer & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs K Barr - Headteacher
Miss S Buckle - Deputy Headteacher & SENCo
Christine Nurse - Chair of Governors
How we keep our children safe:
- At Dovecot Primary School we are committed to promoting the safeguarding and welfare of our children.
- Our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy explains how we work together to keep our children safe.
- Copies of this policy and other school policies are available from the school office, free of charge.
- Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Miss D Weston - Pastoral Support Officer
- Our deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs K Barr (Interim Headteacher) and Miss S Buckle (Interim Deputy Headteacher & SENCo)
- Our lead Governor with responsibility for safeguarding is our Chair of Governors, Mrs C Nurse
Please click on the link below to view our school's safeguarding leaflet. This provides a summary of our policy and is given to all visitors on arrival to school. You will also find further links on this page to safeguarding and child protection information and guidance.
Top Tips for Home Learning and Online Safety Guides
Safe Messages across the Curriculum
Please click on the website link below to learn more: