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Dovecot Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Meet the Governors

Welcome to our Governors page


Governors at Dovecot have pledged to uphold the ‘Liverpool Promise’ and will work alongside other Liverpool organisations and associations, who aim to support Liverpool in its aim to be the best city in the UK to grow up in – where children are healthy, happy, safe from harm, ready to learn, ready for school and ready for work.


Our Governing Body 

Governor NameGovernor Type
Christine Nurse Chair of Governors Co-opted                   
Martin WalwynCo-opted Governor (Vice Chair)
Lilian ConnickCo-opted Governor
David PotterCo-opted Governor
Samantha Dunning                          Co-opted Governor
Natalie CarterParent Governor
Molly PetersParent Governor
Harry DoyleLA Governor
Sarah Wilson Staff Governor
Sue BuckleAssociate Governor & Interim Deputy Headteacher
Karen BarrHeadteacher



The NGA Code of Conduct for Governors (2016) which sets out expectations and commitment required from Governors for the Governing Board to properly carry out work within the school, was reviewed and approved at the Full Business Meeting of the Dovecot Primary School Governing Board held on Wednesday 12th October 2022.


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of Dovecot Primary School


In accordance with the Government’s requirement for all governing bodies, the 3 core strategic functions of Dovecot Primary School Governing Body are:


1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, values and strategic direction;

2. Holding the Head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


The Governing body is made up of 11 Governors:

1 head teacher governor, 2 parent governors, 1 staff governor, 1 Local Authority governor and 6 co-opted governors.

The Full Governing Body meets at least once each term, we also have 2 committees to consider different aspects of the school in detail. These committees are:

  • Resources and Resources Committee

  • Curriculum Committee

The Resources and Finance Committee looks at the maintenance and development of the school premises, and makes decisions about how the school should use its budget. One of the roles for the governors is reviewing and agreeing school policies, and this year we have considered a number of key policies.


The Curriculum committee has spent time evaluating the curriculum and governors also discuss key data giving the results of pupil achievement and progress, so that we can be sure that the school is on track to fulfill its ambitious targets for all pupils. We continue to focus on “vulnerable groups” of children and how the Pupil Premium and Sports Grants are being spent by the school and what impact this has on their outcomes.


This committee updates the Health and Safety and SEND Policies, monitored and tracked attendance and overseen all aspects of Safeguarding. Mrs Christine Nurse is the nominated Safeguarding Governor and gives a termly report to the governors about any safeguarding matters and oversees the role of the Safeguarding Lead, Miss Danika Weston.

   Dovecot Primary School Instrument Of Government


  1. The name of the school is Dovecot Primary School.
  2. The school is a community school.
  3. The name of the governing body is: “The governing body of Dovecot Primary School”.
  4. The governing body shall consist of the following representatives: Headteacher, LA governor(s), staff governor(s), parent governor(s), Co-opted (community) governors
  5. The term of office of all categories of governor is 4 years.
  6. This instrument of government came into effect on 30th June 2015.
  7. This instrument was made by order of Liverpool Local Authority on 30th June 2015.


All the governors of Dovecot Primary School have signed the Register of Personal, Pecuniary or Business interests. This is a declaration of any personal or business interest they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.

If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first.

Please click on the 'Governor Information' link below to see further details about our Governors.



 We would like to invite nominations from parents, grandparents or those with parental responsibility to fill a vacancy for Parent Governor on our Governing Body.


The successful candidate will become a full member of the Governing Body and serve for at least one year.


To be eligible for election, your child must be a registered pupil of this school when the election takes place.


Full Governing Body meetings of this school are held once per term at 4pm on Thursdays. Meetings usually last for approximately two hours.


Governors are also expected to be part of a committee of their choice: Curriculum & Pupil Welfare, and Resources (formerly known as Finance & Personnel and Premises). These committees are usually held at 2pm on a week day afternoon, once every term. They usually last for an hour.


It is important that appropriate checks are made on any person who will be working or volunteering in a school to prevent unsuitable people from gaining access to children. Accordingly, new governors must agree to provide proof of identity and undergo a check in line with current advice issued by the Department for Education’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS check).


If you require further information regarding being a governor we will be pleased to answer your queries. Alternatively you may wish to contact the city council’s School Governor Services team: telephone 0151 233 3939 or email


Please call in at the school office for more information, or click on the links below.