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Dovecot Primary School

Learning together, growing together


Mr Smith is the current English coordinator in school and Miss Buckle is the current Phonics coordinator.

What Makes a Good English Student at Dovecot:


A passion for reading and writing, an ability to think and work independently, an ability to persevere, an enquiring mind, a good knowledge of grammar, an ability to share ideas, is able to attempt new things and explore creativity. The children will demonstrate some of the following traits: being inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, risk takers, caring, balanced, reflective and resilient.

A Dovecot Curriculum:


The English curriculum is very much a Dovecot curriculum. Using Pathways to Write as a basis across most of the school, we use a text-based approach that is language-rich and provides a range of stimuli to engage the learners. There is intelligent repetition of knowledge and skills to develop understanding to a mastery level. The approach has been designed to support boys’ engagement and attainment through drama and repetition. Our approach also has a high focus on language and promotes Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary within sessions.


English is at the heart of the curriculum and had supported the sequencing of other subjects across the curriculum. Our planning is written with a mastery model in mind, with a finite number of skills being focussed upon in each unit of work. This allows the children to build confidence in using each skill, with skills being developed over and within each year in order to create links and a more thorough understanding.

Curriculum Overview (working document being adapted and developed throughout the year)

 Click here to watch a video about Reading and Writing in Dovecot Primary School

Quotes from the Children


"Reading helps you to learn." - Florence, Year 2

"Editing helps us because it makes our writing better and helps us to improve." - Amber, Year 4

"Handwriting is important because it can help in the future." - Josh, Year 5

"Our teachers help us if we are not sure what to do; they direct us to help." - Alfie, Year 6

"Reading makes you better." - Zita, Year 1

"Our teachers encourage us to read by making it fun." - Nicole, Year 6


End of Year Expectations