Religious Education
As a school we aim to celebrate the diversity of all nationalities, cultures and faith groups and offer a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our pupils, including new arrivals and pupils who have English as an additional language.
We follow the Jigsaw RE syllabus. Children are taught to understand and respect the importance of religious beliefs in the world around them. We aim to ensure that the RE curriculum is challenging, dynamic and relevant to pupils of all ages. The Jigsaw curriculum is a spiral curriculum and builds on pupils prior learning and knowledge as they progress.
In the Foundation Stage, RE is taught through topics based upon the children’s own lives and experiences, seasonal, and cultural celebrations - while introducing them to the experiences and beliefs of others around them, in the local community and the wider world. Within Key stage 1 and 2 RE is aimed to support pupils in their own coherent patterns of values and principles, and to support their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, building on the foundations in other faiths and beliefs started in the EYFS.
Children are taught how to discuss, debate and disagree in a respectful way. They explore some of the big questions about life, as well as exploring religious artefacts, festivals and rituals. The teaching of RE is enhanced by visits to religious buildings, visits from different community members and the celebration of different faiths in assemblies and class.