Liverpool Promise
The Liverpool Promise
The Liverpool Promise brings together schools, students, the Mayor of Liverpool and the city council, cultural organisations, businesses and others who support education to make commitments to each other and the students and families of Liverpool.
The aim is to create the best school system in the UK, where children and young people have the best start, are ready to learn, ready for school, ready for work and ready for life – and are healthy, happy and safe from harm.
It includes strengthening schools links with universities and businesses and getting children involved in five cultural events at every key stage of their school life.
Priorities include improving attendance at school and recruiting the best teachers and school staff whilst retaining the excellent staff we already have in the city through high quality professional development and training.
Success will be measured by:
• Increasing the percentage of children reaching a good level of development by the time they start school
• Improving reading, writing and maths faster than the national average
• Getting more students into further/higher education, employment, training or an apprenticeship