Assessment of the National Curriculum and reporting to parents
Assessment at Dovecot Primary School follows the principle that assessment information will only be accurate and valuable if it is the result of rich and immersive learning opportunities. Assessment should not seek to label children’s achievements but instead, remove the ceiling on attainment and support children in the next steps in their learning.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we use the EYFS curriculum (Development Matters) to record children’s achievements. Each child has an individual learning profile, which clearly identifies next steps for development.
Across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, we follow the National Curriculum (2014) for English, Maths and Science. We have based all other subjects on the National Curriculum programmes of study and have used this to develop our own curriculum. Religious Education is taught and assessed is line with the locally Agreed Syllabus.
Attainment in relation to the National Curriculum is recorded using specific software; this enables us to identify what children are able to do currently and what their next steps for learning are. This, along with comprehensive teacher knowledge, allows us to plan specifically for the needs of all children at Dovecot Primary School.
Reporting to Parents
During the Autumn and Spring terms, parents are invited to attend Parents’ Evenings to discuss how their child is progressing and what he/she needs to do to achieve end of year expectations. The meeting allows parents and teachers to set targets and to consider other information about learning and progress. Parents are always encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher, should they wish to discuss any aspect of their child’s education.
A written report is provided annually (during the Summer term) in line with government requirements. This outlines attainment in relation to national expectations.
Meeting Special Educational Needs and Disablity (SEND)
Miss Buckle is the SENDCo at Dovecot Primary School and, in addition to teaching her own class, is responsible for the arrangements in school to ensure that the needs of children with SEND are identified and their needs met. We use a wide range of support strategies to meet the needs of individuals, including pupils working in smaller groups and having additional (adult) support. We have a comprehensive SEND Policy which is available in the relevant section of our website.