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Dovecot Primary School

Learning together, growing together

SEND (Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities)

From time to time children will need additional help to support them with an area they are finding difficult.

At Dovecot Primary we recognise the importance of inclusion for all of our children:


‘Inclusion is a sense of belonging: feeling respected, valued for who you are;

feeling a level of supportive energy and commitment from others so that you can

do your best work.’
(Miller, Frederick A. and Katz, Judith H. 2002)


We track and monitor our children’s progress carefully, providing support for any children who need it in one or more areas of their education, either academically, socially/emotionally or with behaviour. We do this through a range of strategies, all of which would involve working with and engaging effectively with parents to achieve a successful outcome.


Specialist help is available within Dovecot Primary School through our Special Needs Co-ordinator – Miss S Buckle. She co-ordinates and oversees the work of the team of teachers, teaching assistants and external agencies who support the children to overcome their barriers to learning and achieve their potential through specific programmes of support. Miss S Buckle can be contacted through the school office.


School Nurse: Caroline Robinson


Governor with responsibility for SEND children: Samantha Dunning


Liverpool Local Authority Letter to Parents