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Dovecot Primary School

Learning together, growing together

Oak Class (Year 6)

A warm welcome to Oak Class from:

Miss Edis (a very keen Everton supporter);

Miss McNamee.




This will be a very important year for us all, as we work hard to compensate for any missed learning. so  attendance will be critical for all of us, nobody can afford to miss a day!  (For those who like to forward plan, test week for the children is w/c 13th May 2024)!

Reading will have a particularly strong focus this year. In addition to the text based learning, children will have a daily opportunity to respond to various other extracts to enable them to practise key skills such as: summarising, predicting, inferring and explaining. 


To support them further, we believe that listening to children read is vital. Children are expected to read from their school library book regularly: parents/guardians can record their child’s progress in their reading record books. Together, we need to challenge every child to read widely, and often.  


Everyone has personal log-ins for software programmes we use regularly, laminated cards will be sent home with every child: Epic Books; TT Rockstar; Google Classroom (class code: p7zd5yb) . Do ask them to show you how each works, and how they can earn rewards for success. If they are ever at a loose end, could they be encouraged to choose to read at home in this way?



English: over the course of the term the children will be looking at various writing genre including: reports,

 * narrative, sometimes showing shifts in formality plus using language and techniques taken from our reading some of the work of Rudyard Kipling and Kenksuke's Kingdom (Michael Morpurgo).

Before beginning to write their own pieces in the style, the children will analyse texts of each genre to become familiar with the standard features. Much of the writing will be taught in a cross-curricula way and relate to our History, Geography and Science learning as well as from the class text. Look out for other works by this term’s authors or any film adaptations. 


Grammar, spelling and handwriting feature throughout. For this group, clear well organised presentation will have a strong focus.


You can help your child by practising their spelling words at home. Do focus on the KS2 word lists, which will be sent home and are in the curriculum block below, as an early spelling assessments show this is an area for development. In the most recent national test (May 2023) 75% of the words were drawn form Y3/4 programme of study. Thank you for encouraging them to read as much as possible: it all helps!  


Mathematics: new learning will include: area/perimeter; algebra; calculating/ordering fractions and sequence, of steps to aid problem solving.

Continuous objectives: 

* addition and subtraction * multiplication and division *reasoning to solve multi-step problems  *statistics - presenting information collected in other curricula areas *fractions, decimals & percentages * re-application of taught skills for arithmetic and reasoning in other subjects.


As well as learning specific skills, your child will re-apply them to reasoning and open-ended investigations. This means that they can develop ways to approach problem solving using extended, standard methods of recording. We will continue to rehearse and re-visit multiplication and division facts this term: it is important that the children are confident and have rapid recall of multiples and factors. Watch them on software programmes we use at school - TT Rockstars and Mathletics!  Everyone knows their personal log-ins, so they can access the programme at homes. Ask them to show you, and perhaps you could test yourself too!

You can help your child by making sure they rehearse all their multiplication and division facts up to 12 squared which will help learning 'stick'.


We do access the daily lessons on the link below (Oak Academy) from time to time; it is highly recommended by Ofsted.



Please remember that I am always available after school to discuss any concerns, or questions, that you may have, or do send me a message via Class Dojo.



Reminders – cut me out and stick me on the fridge:


  • reading (every night if possible as this is so important);
  • P.E. kit Tuesday;
  • Swimming kit Friday.


Miss A Edis



These are the websites  regularly accessed during the school day and your child should be familiar with the content:


     Epic Books -

     Mathletics -

     Oak Academy -

     White Rose Maths -

     Times Table Rock Stars -

     BBC Bitesize -

     Purple Mash -

     Spelling Frame -

     Science -







Staff in Key Stage Two are here to support you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo or telephone the school and we will endeavour to help.