Homework resources
The most vital homework that your child can do is to read at home and bring their reading book back into school with them. For maths, working on automaticity (being able to do the easy steps without having to think about them) will help more than anything else, so practising times tables and number bonds is key. There are some websites below to help with this. As we move closer to SATs at the end of the year your child may be asked to do additional practise on key skills that will help them. This will often be set via Google Classroom - if your child does not know their login please let me know and I will be able to provide it.
These websites are regularly accessed during the school day and your child should be familiar with the content.
Epic Books https://www.getepic.com
Mathletics https://student.mathletics.com
Oak Academy https://www.thenational.academy
Times Table Rock Stars https://ttrockstars.com
BBCBitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/ztqbn9q
Purple Mashhttps://www.purplemash.com
Spelling Frame https://spellingframe.co.uk/