Snow and Bad Weather Policy
If, on the rare occasion, school is closed due to severe weather, we will post this on the Home page. For further advice please click on the link below:
Alternatively, please listen to BBC Radio Merseyside (95.8FM) or Radio City (96.7FM). DO NOT phone the school as there will be nobody to take your call. If we are not listed then we are open.
Please then check the school website throughout the day for important updates and details of when school will re-open.
If school is open, but the weather deteriorates significantly during the school day, a decision to close early i.e. before 3.00pm may be made. In this instance, the same method of communicating with you will apply – website message followed by text message. No child will be allowed to leave school unless they are collected by a known adult on this occasion.
We, of course, appreciate that there may be a delay between you receiving the message and getting to school so key members of staff will remain on site until all of the children have been collected. It is important that you get here safely too!